
Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge Constitution

Article 1 Name
The name of the Church shall be Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge.
  1. 建立基督的身體,使信徒得到肢體的交通、供應和造就,一同事奉    神。
  2. 宣揚並持定聖經所啟示的一切真理。
  3. 傳揚主的福音,特別著重引領華人歸主工作。
Article 2 Purpose
The purposes of the Church are:
  1. Building up the body of Christ in which all believers can have fellowship and be well equipped to serve the Lord.
  2. Disseminating and holding firmly all truths revealed in the Bible.
  3. Spreading the gospel, with emphasis on leading non-believing Chinese to the Lord.
  1. 我們相信新舊約全部聖經都是    神藉聖靈所默示的話語,完全正確,毫無錯誤,是基督徒信仰及行為的最高權威和准則,是    神對人類救恩的完全啟示。
  2. 我們相信聖潔、公義、慈愛、全能、無限、永在、三位一體的    神,祂是創造並管理天地萬物的主,是我們敬拜、事奉和頌讚的父。
  3. 我們相信耶穌基督是從太初就有的    神的獨生子,是從聖靈懷孕藉童貞女馬利亞而生的,祂是無罪的,而為世人的罪釘死在十字架上,成為贖罪祭,且被埋葬,第三日復活;以後升天,作我們的中保和大祭司,為我們代求,將來還要從天再來,迎接信徒。
  4. 我們相信聖靈是三位一體的    神中的第三位,來到地上為耶穌基督作見證,並住在每個信徒裡面,幫助教訓,引導進入一切真理。
  5. 我們相信,世人都是罪人,耶穌基督是唯一的救主,凡相信祂的可以得救,因祂所流的寶血得蒙赦罪惡並因祂的復活得稱為義。
  6. 我們相信,所有信徒都是主寶血所救贖成為屬    神的人,應當脫離世俗和罪惡,並在世上作光作鹽,為主作美好的見證,榮耀    神。
  7. 我們相信,教會是    神選召出來的人藉著聖靈的洗成為基督的身體,是    神的家和聖靈的殿,應當分別為聖成為真理的柱石和發光的燭台,並且是基督榮耀的見證,所有信徒都當有分於教會的事奉和工作。
Article 3 Faith
  1. The Church firmly believes that the Bible, consisting of 66 books in the old and new testaments, is inspired by God. It is the perfect truth. It is infallible, and is the ultimate basis and authority for doctrine and deed. It is the complete revelation of God’s plan for salvation.
  2. The Church firmly believes that God is holy, righteous, loving, omnipotent, immortal, and everlasting. He is the God in Trinity. He is the creator of the heavens, the earth and all mankind. He is the Father we worship, serve and praise.
  3. The Church firmly believes that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son since the beginning, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. He was sinless, but was crucified and died on the cross to atone for the sins of man. He resurrected on the third day, ascended into heaven and is the high priest and mediator between God and man. He intercedes for us and will descend from heaven to receive the believers.
  4. The Church firmly believes that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, comes to earth to witness for Christ. He abides forever with the believers, helping, teaching and leading them into the truth.
  5. The Church firmly believes that all men are sinners. Christ is the only Savior, and he who believes in Him will be saved. Sins are forgiven through the redemption of Christ's precious blood. And we are justified through His resurrection.
  6. The Church firmly believes all believers are redeemed through Christ's precious blood to God. They should not only be separated from the world and sin, but also strive to be salt and light to the world to bear good witness for the glorification of our God.
  7. The Church firmly believes that the Church is composed of people who are chosen by God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Church is the body of Christ, the house of God and the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Church should be sanctified as the pillar of the truth, the illuminating lamp-stand and the glorious testimony of Jesus Christ. All believers should participate in the work and service of the Church.
根據聖經所記主耶穌和使徒們的命令和教訓,浸禮和聖餐是全教會應遵守的聖禮,作為對    神、對人的見證,和對主耶穌基督的紀念和敬奉。
Article 4 Ordinances
As stated in the Bible, it is the commandment and the teaching of Jesus Christ and the apostles that Baptism and the Lord's Supper should be observed by the whole church as a testimony to God and man, and in the remembrance and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  1. 凡已相信和承認耶穌基督為個人的救主,並已接受浸禮者均可為本教會的信徒成員。
  2. 根據聖經一處教會應當有執事,由信徒中選出,負責教會各種事物,並在適當時設立長老,負責維護教會,照顧信徒。
  3.     神在教會中也設立有各種工人和恩賜來建立、造就信徒,其中有牧師和教師更為一處教會所需要。
Article 5 Organization
All believers are members of one universal church in spirit, but believers in the same area should be united to form a local church to worship and serve the Lord and to have fellowship together.
  1. He who professes Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and has been baptized can become a member of the Church.
  2. In accordance with Scriptural teachings, the Church needs to have deacons, elected among members, responsible for the operation of the Church. The Church should elect elders in due time to assist church ministry and care of believers.
  3. God also raises all kinds of workers in every church, each with different gifts, to establish the church and edify the believers. The pastor and teachers are the most needed among the workers.
  1. 造就信徒
  2. 傳揚福音
  3. 收支奉獻
  4. 供應聖徒
  5. 管理會所
  6. 接待工人
  7. 幫助窮困
Article 6 Ministry
The ministry of the Church should abide by Scriptural teachings and examples. The main functions are:
  1. To edify believers
  2. To spread Gospel
  3. To manage Church finances
  4. To provide ministries
  5. To maintain Church buildings
  6. To receive God's workers
  7. To help the needy
Article 7 Management
The congregation has the responsibility to oversee its pastor(s), elders and deacons. The pastor(s), elders and deacons also have the responsibility of shepherding the flock, admonishing those who err, rebuking those who sin, and excommunicating those who do not repent. (1Th 5:14, 2Th 3:6,15, 1Ti 5:20, 2Ti 3:10,11, 1Co 5:9-11).

附 則
CCCBR Constitution Bylaw

1. 會友
2. 執事
3. 長老
4. 牧師
  • a. 聘請(包括副牧師):由執事會聘請,並經會友大會三分之二通過決定,任期不定,也可事先商定。必要時經執事會提議(須三分之二執事通過),再經會友大會三分之二通過決定,可以要求停職。
  • b. 續聘:長執會應尋求    神的旨意和徵詢會友的意見,在牧師或傳道聘任到期的六個月前提出續聘決定。如果長執會全體同意牧師或傳道的續聘,即可決定續聘期並遞交續聘書。如果長執會三分之一以上(含)但不是全體同意牧師或傳道的續聘,長執會應移交會友大會決定牧師或傳道的續聘。若會友大會三分之二以上(含)同意牧師或傳道續聘,長執會即可決定續聘期並向牧師或傳道遞交續聘書。若不到三分之二(不包括三分之二)出席會友同意續聘,長執會應以書面告知牧師或傳道關於教會所作的不續聘決定。如果長執會低於三分之一同意續聘,長執會應書面告知牧師或傳道關於教會所作的不續聘決定。
5. 同工
6. 司庫
7. 文書
Article 1 Organization
1. Membership:
All who believe in Jesus Christ as their savior, have been baptized and attend church service regularly, may apply for membership. All members shall abide by the teachings of the Bible and seek spiritual growth through daily devotion, Bible studies and prayers. They shall actively participate in various services and works of the Church and make offerings (not limited to tithe).
2. Deacons:
Any Church member regularly attending Church meetings, willing to serve God, and having the qualifications stated in the Bible can be nominated by a special nomination committee and elected to office by vote at a General Congregational Meeting for a term of two years. A deacon may be re-elected for one more term. After that, there must be a lapse of at least one year before he or she can be nominated again. Half of the deacons on the Board of Deacons shall be re-elected each year.
3. Elders:
In the course of church growth, elders can be elected to assist the pastor to nurture the spiritual needs and growth of believers. An elder should be selected among deacons or ex-deacons, preferably excluding women deacons. The election of elders shall be by the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and approved by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Congregational Meeting. The ordination of the elders should be administered by the pastor of the Church or a designated pastor. An elder has a term of three years, and can be re-elected. The dismissal of an elder shall also be by the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and approved by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Congregational Meeting.
4. Pastor (including Associate Pastors):
  • a. Hiring: The call of the pastor shall be by the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and approved by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Congregational Meeting. Unless mutually agreed upon in advance, there is no specific term for this office. The dismissal of the pastor shall be by the recommendation of the Board of Deacons by a two-thirds majority vote and subsequently passed by a two-thirds majority vote at a General Congregational Meeting.
  • b. Contract-renewal:The Elder and Board of Deacons will decide on the term extension for pastor six months before the term expires. The decision should be made after earnestly seeking God's will and in conjunction with members' input. Should the Board decide unanimously to extend the term, the Board will submit a written offer to the pastor for another fixed or indefinite term. Should unanimous approval not be reached but more than one third (including 1/3) of the Board members agree to the term extension, the Board should call a General Congregation Meeting to vote on the terms of extension. Term extension should be granted subject to the approval of two thirds (including 2/3) majority of attending members. The length of term extension should be decided by the Board. However, if less than two thirds (not including 2/3) of attending members approve, the Board will notify the pastor in writing of the decision to discontinue the contract. Should less than one third of the Board members agree to extend the term, the Board will notify the pastor of the decision to discontinue the contract.
5. Co-Workers:
In addition to the pastor, deacons and elders, the Board of Deacons can invite some members to be co-workers, to participate in various services and works in the Church. The terms shall be decided by the Board of Deacons.
6. Treasurer:
The treasurer shall be elected among the deacons, responsible for the financial matters of the Church.
7. Secretary:
The secretary shall be elected among the deacons, responsible for keeping meeting records, producing income and expense reports, and correspondence.
  1. 人員-執事根據教會組織法而產生,人數可按教會的增長和需要而決定,女執事不宜超過半數,牧師和長老均為執事會的當然成員。
  2. 會期-執事會可每月舉行一次,也可隨情況和需要由執事會主席徵得其他執事同意而變更,執事會主席由全體執事推舉產生,每年輪換,也可連任,但不得連任二次以上,女執事不得作主席。
  3. 職責-執事會負責教會的事物、行政、經濟和人事的各種責任,由執事會作出決定後,可分派個人或數人去具體實行。決定事項,須由多數贊成,牧師、長老、執事均有表決權,被邀請列席的同工可以提出意見,但無表決權。
  4. 補選-如有執事辭職或去職,須由執事會同意和決定,並加以補選,補選須執事會三分之二推薦,由臨時會友大會過半數認可。
Article 2 Board of Deacons
  1. Members: The Board of Deacons shall be comprised of the pastor, elders and deacons. The number of deacons, of which the women deacons should preferably not exceed one half, shall be decided according to the prevailing need of the Church.
  2. Meetings: The Board of Deacons shall meet once a month. However, the frequency of the meeting can be changed with the consent of the chairman of the Board and other deacons, according to needs. The chairman of the Board shall be elected by the deacons for a term of one year, and may be re-elected for no more than two terms. The chairman of the Board should not be a woman deacon.
  3. Responsibility: The Board of Deacons is responsible for the operation, administration, finance and personnel of the Church. Decisions made by the Board can be carried out by one or several individuals. All decisions should be approved by a majority vote. The pastor, elders and deacons carry one vote each. Co-workers invited to attend the meeting may make suggestions, but can not participate in the voting.
  4. Unfinished Terms: In the event a deacon resigns or is dismissed, his or her unfinished term shall be filled by an alternate, who is recommended by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Deacons and approved by a majority vote at a General Congregational Meeting.
  1. 人員-由執事會約請對教會事工有負擔,願意事奉的會友參加,人數可按不限定。
  2. 會期-根據教會工作需要由執事會決定召集,經執事會邀請,可參加執事會議,但無表決權。
  3. 職責-協助教會各種事工,如在主日崇拜及其它聚會中擔任司會、招待、翻譯、音樂、主日學、團契,以及探訪、布道、聯絡、交通、接待、圖書等各種服事。
Article 3 Co-Worker's Meeting
  1. Members: Church members who are willing to serve can be invited by the Board of Deacons to be members of the Co-Worker's meeting. There is no limit on the number of membership.
  2. Meetings: Co-worker's meetings are called by the Board of Deacons according to needs. Co-workers may be invited to attend the Board of Deacons meeting, but can not participate in the voting.
  3. Responsibility: Co-workers shall assist in all aspects of the Church works, such as serving in the Sunday worship as chairman, ushers, interpreter or pianist. Co-workers may also participate in teaching, visitation, evangelism, transportation, hospitality, library and other Church activities or functions.
由牧師,現任執事二人 及同工會中四人組成提名委員會,為產生執事提名。每年十一月一日 以前組成,十二月一日以前提出候選人名單,十二月三十一日以前由 會友大會選舉產生。
Article 4 Nominating Committee
The members of the nominating committee shall include the pastor, two incumbent deacons and four co-workers. The committee shall be formed before the first of November of each year to nominate deacon candidates. The list of candidates should be completed before December 1, and an election shall be held at a General Congregational Meeting before December 31.
Article 5 General Congregational Meeting
The General Congregational Meeting shall be held at least once a year. The date of the meeting is decided by the Board of Deacons. Attendance by over onehalf of the members shall constitute a quorum for the General Congregational Meeting. The General Congregational Meeting can approve or reject major decisions made by the Board of Deacons.
Article 6 Amendments
The constitution or bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a General Congregational Meeting, provided the amendments shall be drafted, and duly presented to the Congregation at least twice by the chairman of the Board of Deacons in Sunday Services.